EscortHub is nothing more than a directory of adult entertainment services. We do not provide booking services or supply escorts. None of the advertisers on this site are employees of or contracted to EscortHub.
The operator of this website is not the producer of any of the content found on the website. The operator’s activities, with respect to such content, are limited to the transmission, storage, retrieval, hosting, and presentation of content posted by third party users, on areas of the website under the user's control.
EscortHub abides by the following strict compliance procedures regarding uploaded content:
All Verified users must be over eighteen (18) years of age and are personally identified and verified by EscortHub at account activation prior to being able to upload their profile. Users must send a copy of their passport or other photo-ID to verify their age.
Prior to profile activation, EscortHub ensures that all Verified Uploaders provide evidence or certify that:
a) all individuals appearing in the content are over the age of 18 years old; and
b) they confirm they have the rights to photos being uploaded.
c) they are compliant with record keeping requirements under U.S.C. § 2257 for all content uploaded and agree to deliver such documentation promptly upon request;
d) the uploaded content does not violate EscortHub's terms of services, and any of its related policies namely but without limitation, its Terms and Conditions , Privacy Policy and Advertising Guidelines as detailed on this website.
The laws governing adult entertainment in New Zealand are strictly enforced. If you intend to use any of the services offered by advertisers on this site, please consider the following important guidelines.
New Zealand Prostitution Reform Act 2003 and any amendments
Prostitution is LEGAL in New Zealand but there are some things you need to be aware of if you plan to use the services of an escort in this country.
1. People who are offering commercial sex must take all reasonable steps to ensure commercial sex is not provided without the use of a condom or other appropriate barrier. This includes vaginal, anal or oral sex, or other activity that may lead to the transmission of sexually transmissible infections (STI's). Failure to do so may result in fines up to $2,000.
2. It is illegal for a client to ask a sex worker for unsafe sex - clients must take all reasonable steps to use a condom or some other safe-sex barrier for vaginal or oral or anal sex or another activity which could transmit sexually transmissible infections (STI's).
Click HERE to go to this Act on the New Zealand Government website. You will be able to download a PDF of the latest version of the act from that link.
Films, Videos and Publications Classification Act 1993
Among other things, this legislation governs the distribution, sale and display of pornographic and other restricted material.
Where required under this legislation, all the content on this website and associated websites has been approved ("classified") in accordance with the requirements of this Act so you can lawfully view, store, or download it.
Please be careful when viewing restricted content on other New Zealand websites, it may not be legal and you may be prosecuted under the Act for downloading, streaming, or otherwise viewing it. The penalties can be quite severe.
If in doubt, check. Click HERE to go to this Act on the New Zealand Government website. You will be able to download a PDF of the latest version of the act from that link. The most important part of this Act to read is Section 3.